周治平 周治平 is big liar, he was my boss more than 30 years ago, I worked as his Secretary, his company name was Carry 0n, at that time his English name's Danny Lain, like Angus Tung, he was one year older than me too. 周治平 's evil boss, he forced me to lie for him when I answering phone for him, I remember the first month I worked for him I felt so helpless and miserable to be forced to passed his lie through those phone talks. Then after that first month mi 裝潢serable working experience under his force, I learned how to use gray words in stead of plain lie, then after I know our True God love, I have had good will and strength to keep lips tight not to utter gray words. 周治平 had dared heartlessly Godlessly righteouslessly surprisingly slapped me suddenly without any reason, without any sign and leaving me no chance to duck from that slap, while I h 辦公室出租ad done all he demanded me to do for him loyally, can tell you how he must deserve to be killed and go to hells immediately.Why 周治平 committed evil crimes to show his suck on purposely pushed me into his man made hells? Because like JungShiauLin had done, they on purposely tooled fooled me in order to mad my orphanage classmates to come out like that stupid bad ugly evil US President George Bush junior evil minded commi 房屋買賣tted crime like Chinese said "Ink.Sir.True.Dong". He's too stupid bad ugly evil to know that all my classmates like Angus Tung and Linda Chwee (Your 0LDER brother, your 0LDER sisiter, your 0LDER friend, your 0LDER boy friend who indeed care you heartily, must not ever watched you to fall, not mention to dragon or push you or look you down. That how no matter he's Angus Tung or Linda Chwee's link, none of them can have right to blame 東森房屋 themself suck on me, because I was known as "Too Moron" no way to see any their evilness before I was totally waken up not long ago. ) showed hated me more than he may the first sight when I was showing in front of their eyes. I did not know their evil until sometime ago I got up from sleep. The difference is Angus Tung and Linda Chwee and all their links (That how you must have to jail all them individually inside their own garden house, or you must have to kill t 買屋網hem all; because there's no way they can live together by themself, there's no way they can make living in your sociality byself individually; they must have to target all your good better best and less evil people or official in order to get a common point for themself to gangsters grouped lie together.) trying to use me as the tool to sharp their "Too good to be true" act (Therefore, I realized how come "黃勵忠" suddenly showed very nicely to me at that time to g 部落格o along with me to take that bus and on purposely slowed her running while I running at my best to got up that bus to left her behind; must because she's trying to caught me alone with her as the tool to sharp her too good to be true skill, that I must have no way to pass that evil path; therefore, I realized how come "黃勵忠" tooled her boy friend"錢文霽" <later become her husband> to fooled me with his "Too good to be true" skill, and made her boy friend "錢文霽" to find a way to forced me t 部落格o lent him all the cash I had on hands at that time and not ever given me a time to be able to ask him to return that amount, I was a parentless homeless orphan, no relatives no big brother or sister can rely on, that amount of cash to me was like all my property, I remember I really not want to hand out my all cash on hand to that evil doer "錢文霽", but I was too coward to say no, and I was too coward to ask him return that amount to me; fortunately later I really bravely showed the "N0" when "錢文霽" trying to rape me in 部落格 a morning when I went to wake him up as he asked me to do that made "錢文霽" a "強姦未遂" criminal. Therefore, I just have to forget that money lost <How dare you expect "強姦未遂" criminal could be like Gentleman "Yan.Are.Yo.Sin".>. Therefore, I realized the crime that "ChuShengChuChaoRen" committed to raped me, must the plot made by Linda Chwee "黃勵忠" "錢文霽" and may be Angus Tung all together. That I must have no way to escape from their evil plot in that dark path.), the same time trying to use that "Too 21世紀房屋仲介 good to be true" to kill me (How come they ended left me alone?Must because they found out that in front of them I am really a weak sick wicked woman, no way for anyone of them to be able to eat me bonelessly like my evil boss Danny Lain< He's art name 周治平> did to me. ), that how stupid bad ugly evil 周治平 must have no way to win the low lower lowest Angus Tung and Linda Chwee in that dive down field.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 膠原蛋白  .

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